What Drives Our Team? It’s Why Youthful Impact Works

Here is to our third year implementing federally funded programs for youth 14 to 24 years old! We are super excited to launch the new Grow with Google training center in Albany, NY.  Recently featured in the news on WTEN: Here is a quick video about the summer program in Albany

Why Youthful Impact works?

Youthful Impact is the fast track program designed by former college professors, successful entrepreneurs, business coaches  to help youth of color to overcome school and job search challenges.

Disengaged and disconnected youth barely finish high school, often do not have access to college, and if they start, they rarely finish. They lack resources, support, counseling, and funding to thrive at school in a way that can lead to a family-sustaining job. Too many youth who finish college still struggle to find jobs as they deal with college-debt and a challenging job search experience that demands self-knowledge and powerful networks.

Founded by a former college professor with a doctorate in education, Dr. Wasiyo is passionate about youth getting access to good jobs without wasting time and getting in-debt.

What Drives Our team?

With a highly sought after team, Youthful Impact drives a sense of mission down through the organization, upward into the board and outward into the community. We have intrinsic motivation and drive to help youth thrive in a fun, vibrant and open environment. We have established a great way to connect and bring the most of the impacted youth. 

As we impact more and more communities, the challenges are always different. As a standard, our team goes above and beyond all expectations and makes sure that the next generation will be the glimmer of hope for their families and communities.


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To learn more about Youthful Impact and its entrepreneurship program, or to participate as a business partner or sponsor, call Dr. Khaitsa Wasiyo at 203.445.6084 or email coach@youthfulimpact.org.